
Step into the literary world of Jim Fragale — a realm where every page unravels a tapestry of intricate narratives, deep insights, and captivating tales from Clarksburg, West Virginia to New York City.

Spanning a diverse range of genres and themes, Jim's growing collection of seven standout books has something for every reader. Whether you're seeking profound introspection, riveting stories, or an exploration of art & culture, you'll find it here.

Here you can browse through all of Jim Fragale's works, conveniently available on Amazon, and discover your next favorite read!

SEVEN! Get Lucky (2021)

A good read. Adult friendly. Amusing. Appealing. Articulate. Athletic. Audacious. Continental. Educational. Entertaining. Fascinating. Friendly. Fun. Good company. Informative.Interesting. Laugh out loud funny. Fun. Healing. Hip. Informative. National. International. Life affirming. Life changing. Like a new friend. Like an old friend. Literary. Melodic. Multi-faceted. Multi-genre. Ornery. Over-the- top. Under the radar. Pleasant. Pleasing, Sober yet fine dinner companion. Song-filled. Spiritual. Universal. Warm. Wise. And Witty.

BLOCKED? Get Un-Blocked, Now (2020)

Several decades back, during a therapy session, a psychiatrist said to Nino Pino, “You’re blocked. What’s holding you back…what’s standing in your way?” Gulp. Insulted and chagrined, at that moment, he began a long and agonizing journey. Over the next twenty years, he looked back. Examined. Questioned everything… and all along, all the while, filled page after page after page with notes…in dozens and dozens of various-sized, different-colored notebooks, that eventually teemed with his findings and feelings. In the last two years, he compiled his data into one enterprise. Now, in an original form, he passes that undertaking on to you.

Sure-Fire Infallible Solutions for Living: The Answers to Life (2019)

IDEAS! IDEA! IDEAS! The World’s Greatest Unused Principles…The Universe’s Up-for-Grab, Little Known, Unsung, Solid Ideas! “Quotes up the wazoo, for inspiration, to ponder, to flash, to flesh out, to brainstorm that answer…the one way in the back of your mind—that elusive solution you have long been looking for…”…All revealed to you in an intimate way, the writer’s unique personal story… Juxtaposed with insider guideposts for living—time-tried concepts that work—much, much more than run-of-the-mill jargon-laden self-help outings. And before you’re halfway through this absorbing amiable, love fest—compiled with a meticulous devotion that few know--you’ll find yourself smiling, humming, and at times, laughing-out-loud, while…ultimately, better-equipped to handle the minutiae of everyday life…

BREAKTHROUGHS! Become One With the Answer…the meaning…the purpose…your luck…your health…and, the secret TO LIFE. And for sure… Become One With Love (2018)

In his fourth novel, James A. Fragale continues his tireless, lifelong, on-going search for the answer(s) to life. This time out, the title tells some of the bases he artfully touches: purpose, meaning, secrets, love, your health, your good luck, and more. During the process, his no-nonsense, savvy, stickler-for-accuracy-editor paid him the ultimate compliment. While red-penciling, she not only laughed out loud, but also admits, learned a lot. The benefits of laughter and learning do not end there. Fragale articulately, seamlessly, smoothly weaves in his personal West Virginia-Italian story in this latest of four autobiographic novels.

Seventy-Six Trombones: Life After Thirty-Nine Made Easy (2017)

And now, drum roll…his third novel, Seventy-Six Trombones, subtly subtitled Life After Thirty-Nine Made Easy.

F.U.! (Follow Up!) The Answer to Life Revisited (2016)

In The Answer to Life, West Virginian Nino Pino makes his way to awe-inspiring New York City to make it big in the competitive music industry. This smart and snarky sequel catches up with him later in life.

James A. Fragale employs a sharp, stream-of-consciousness style in this autobiographical novel. Don’t let the laughs throw you. Jim Fragale details his serious struggles as well as triumphs, amid the uncertainty about his drinking. Pino can begrudge growing older, but he will have to choose to grow up.

More than fifty original coveted recipes handed down from Fragale’s mother are included!

The Answer to Life (2014)

An appealing, attractive, hot, hunky, unexposed-to-life early-20's West Virginia Italian, singer-songwriter comes to New York City seeking fame and fortune as well as the answer to life only to bump into realities for which he's hardly prepared. What happens will make you laugh, bring tears to your eyes, titillate you and make you want to tell your friends. Dedicated to my mother and to mothers everywhere.

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